As I'm a Mac-PT user I will give the Mac version of the shortcuts. I will try to always include the following PC translation in future posts:
Mac :: PC
Command (Cm) :: Control; Option (Op) :: Alt; Control (Ct) :: Windows; Shift (Sh) :: Shift
How I will list shortcuts: I will not be using any extraneous characters when listing shortcuts, like dashes or +, so if you see it you use it. For example if the shortcut was to hold Command and Option and press the “M” key it will be listed as Cm Op M. Regarding numbers, if you need to use the numbers on the number pad rather than the QWERTY numbers, I will put the number in brackets, such as [3].
Version 1 of some handy shortcuts to use while tracking:
Cm K, toggle the pre- & post-roll on/off
Op K, toggle the monitoring mode between Auto Input and Input Only (see Sh I below)
Sh R, record enable/disable a track (a PT8 shortcut, edit cursor must be on the track)
Sh M, toggle the mute state of a track (a PT8 shortcut, edit cursor must be on the track)
Sh S, toggle the solo state of a track (a PT8 shortcut, edit cursor must be on the track)
Sh I, toggle the input state of a track (a PT8 shortcut, edit cursor must be on the track)
Cm Sh L or [4], toggle loop playback on/off
Op L or [5], toggle loop record on/off
Cm click, with the Selector tool Command click on a region to access the “matching start times list”. This is extremely useful if you have recorded several takes while in loop record mode, and will show you a list of the takes that were recording during the loop recording passes. For more information on this feature, look up “Matching Alternate Regions” in the Pro Tools Reference Guide (p 540 in the v8 manual).
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