Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Selections: Part 2

Mac :: PC
Command (Cm) :: Control; Option (Op) :: Alt; Control (Ct) :: Windows; Shift (Sh) :: Shift

Cm Op Tab -- Turns Tab to Transients on/off

With Tab to Transients off:

Tab -- moves the edit cursor to the next region boundary
Op Tab -- moves the edit cursor to the previous region boundary

Ct Tab -- go to and select the next region
Op Ct Tab -- go to and select the previous region

Ct Sh Tab -- extend selection to include next region
Op Ct Sh Tab -- extend selection to include previous region

Sh Tab -- extend selection to next region boundary
Op Sh Tab -- extend selection to previous region boundary


  1. i found one of your response about putting the tracks in 'ticks' instead of 'samples' and it REALLY saved my ass! thank you!
